Revised Denton Independent School District policy in Effect
Denton Independent School District began the year with a changed grading policy that affects the high schools. The previous policy allowed major assessments to be reassessed in 10 days and for minors to be reassessed, but the revised policy allows for four days for reassessments for majors. Individual teachers decide if they allow minor assessments to be reassessed.
Some students have claimed that the policy is inefficient because it does not allow them the time to learn a subject they haven’t quite grasped yet.
“People are going to stress out even more knowing how little time they have,” junior Jamie Jackson said. “That makes them more behind.”
One of the reasons for the change is that students were using the policy to maintain the same Grade Point Average. Some students in past years used the old grading policy to reassess assignments from, say, an 89 to a 95. Teachers, on the other hand, believe the DISD policy is, as Mr. Daniel Jackson described it, a “positive change in the right direction.”
Assistant principal Jay Swafford agrees with Mr. Jackson.
“What I really like about the policy is that it gives teachers the freedom, creativity, and flexibility to use their professional judgement to individually assess their classes and their students,” Mr. Swafford said. “If I as a teacher feel that this kid needs a second, third and a fourth opportunity two weeks down the road, then I have the ability to work with that kid.”
When asked if the policy should be completely eradicated, several teachers said no.
“I think that before this grading policy teachers were always willing to let students who hadn’t mastered the subject reassess, especially if their grade was below failing level,” AP teacher Dr. Cindy Hess said.
Student Lezlie Hernandez said by having a deadline and no excuses, students will be ready for college. Some teachers commented saying that the policy does not fully prepare students for college because in college there are no such things as reassessments.
“I know there’s a lot of complaint about the grading policy– how it doesn’t prepare kids for the ‘real world’,” Mr. Swafford said. “ I think it’s important to know that when freshmen come in, they’re 14 years old. They’re closer to middle school than they are to seniors in high school. They’re not in the real world yet, they’re kids.”

ENTP- I am an enthusiastic person who is ready to get along with everyone! English and German are huge passions of mine because they are so easy to me....